Parkopedia welcomes Iris Xu as the New General Manager China

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Parkopedia welcomes Iris Xu as the New General Manager China
  • Iris joins the Parkopedia team to lead Parkopedia’s operations in China
  • Iris brings strong experience from mapping, mobility services and cloud computing sectors
  • The new role will be responsible for OEM and partner relationships while leading Parkopedia’s business and the rollout of expanded products in China

26 January 2024 - London, UK / Shanghai, China

Parkopedia welcomes a new general manager to lead its business in China, Iris Xu. In this new role, Iris will lead Parkopedia China and continue the rollout of Parkopedia’s expanded mobility products in the Chinese automotive market.

Iris has rich experience in navigation, mobility and cloud computing, having worked in senior roles at leading Chinese enterprises, including Tencent and NavInfo. Parkopedia established its China business a decade ago, in 2014, bringing its market-leading connected services to millions of Chinese drivers. With Iris’ industry background and strong understanding of the market, there is a synergy match with Parkopedia’s unique business scope in China combined with the growth potential from a rapidly developing Chinese automotive market with global expansion strategies.

Talking about her new position, Iris said: “I am excited to represent Parkopedia and further increase awareness for the company’s market-leading services in China. Chinese drivers want seamless connected car services and the latest driving experiences to improve their journeys. I look forward to facilitating Parkopedia to work with even more automotive OEMs in China and providing these services to as many drivers as possible. The Chinese automotive industry is growing rapidly, with EVs becoming increasingly popular around the world, I see huge potential for Parkopedia as part of this growth.”

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