Parkopedia Selected to Provide Audi with Global In-car Parking Service

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Parkopedia Selected to Provide Audi with Global In-car Parking Service


  • Audi switches to Parkopedia’s service after comprehensive testing across major global cities;
  • The new service includes on-street and off-street information as well as dynamic space availability and other features, which will support future parking services delivered by Audi;

  • Markets covered include Europe, the Americas, Japan, Australasia, Middle East and Africa.

  • Audi China has been using Parkopedia since January 2017.

TU-Automotive Detroit, 7 June 2017

Parkopedia, the world’s largest parking service provider, announced today that it has been selected to be the new global provider of Audi’s premium in-car parking services as of June 2017.

The Parkopedia premium parking service will include off-street and on-street parking data as well as dynamic space availability for both legacy installed and new vehicles.

“We are honoured to have been selected by Audi to be their global parking services provider” commented Parkopedia’s CEO Eugene Tsyrklevich. He added that “Audi is a leader in innovation and renowned for providing high quality connected services. We look forward to working together to contribute to Audi’s initiatives in taking in-car parking services to the next level”.

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