Our year in numbers: Parkopedia 2023

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Our year in numbers: Parkopedia 2023

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2023 was our most productive year to date for Parkopedia, verifying millions of parking locations around the world and significantly expanding our EV charging services. 2023 was also the year of in-car commerce, with increasing driver demand for in-car payments, from parking and fuelling to EV charging, plus innovative new driver experiences delivered. We’ve rounded up our highlighted statistics and achievements from 2023, covering everything from drivers’ concerns over public EV charging to the number of rows of data processed:

Parkopedia database remains the world’s largest and most accurate parking and charging resource

The team manually checked 1,500,000 parking locations across 90 countries in 2023 and added 128,000 new parking locations, ensuring that Parkopedia continues to provide the world’s largest and most accurate parking database.

Our operations team also surveyed 250,000 EV charging locations and collected/analysed over 1,000,000 site photos, ensuring the accuracy of our data and ease of use for drivers looking to park or EV drivers looking to park and charge. Unlike parking, where rural areas often experience relatively few issues, EV charging can be problematic in any location, with photos of charging locations playing a significant role in enabling drivers to decide whether a location is suitable for them.

Parkopedia’s database expansions this year also covered both ends of the parking spectrum, from the gigantic 20,000-space West Edmonton Mall in Canada to a one-space location in Tokyo, Japan. Meanwhile, the longest single on-street section extends for 800m in Turin, Italy and includes 235 parking spaces in total. Parkopedia is unique as the only provider to manually verify inventory data to this level of detail, achieving the highest level of accuracy possible.


                                                                                        West Edmonton Mall - Alberta, Canada

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                                                                                   Single-space car park - Tokyo, Japan

The Parkopedia website received more than 60 million unique website visitors looking for parking in more than 90 countries.

Parkopedia’s EV coverage grows by 35%

Parkopedia significantly extended its EV coverage in 2023, growing by 35%, including 628,000 new EVSEs.

Parkopedia also added over 100,000 locations with EV charging photos plus new EV data integrations, with direct integrations from global Charge Point Operators (CPOs) with supplementary data from additional providers. Up to one-third of all the datasets Parkopedia receives from CPOs are partially incorrect, with vital information such as location and operating hours not being accurate or complete, highlighting the value of Parkopedia’s rigorous data checks and manual verification for EV charging to prevent problems arising for drivers looking to charge. 

2023 Global Driver Survey highlights significant EV charging concerns and strong in-car commerce demand

The renowned Parkopedia 2023 Global Driver Survey was completed in Q2 and received responses from 5,454 drivers across the US, Germany, France, UK, Italy and Japan. This is Parkopedia’s largest survey to date and the first version to separate responses from ICE and EV drivers and understand their different experiences and concerns.

The 2023 survey was also the first to include Japan and discovered that Japanese drivers have significantly different expectations to American and European motorists - being much less willing to wait or pay extra to park and having far greater concerns over EV charging.

The Parkopedia 2023 Global Driver Survey revealed that 48% of petrol and diesel car drivers wouldn’t consider an EV as their next car due to their concerns over charging away from home. 

Meanwhile, 91% of EV drivers are anxious about charging their car away from home or work, highlighting significant worries over being able to top up. These are more than simply theoretical concerns, too, as survey data highlights that 66% of EV drivers have run out of charge, with 22% doing so multiple times.

Drivers also stressed their desire to have integrated parking services in their vehicles, with 79% preferring to have in-car parking services.

Interest in in-car commerce increased in 2023, with 63% of the drivers surveyed valuing in-car commerce for parking payments and 75% wanting to be able to pay for EV charging from within their vehicle.

Six new OEM customers added in 2023

In addition to a significant number of service expansions in all regions for our existing customers, Parkopedia won 6 new OEM customers in 2023, including starting a new partnership with Hyundai AutoEver in North America for on-street and off-street parking data, incorporating parking reservations and on-demand payments with Hyundai Pay. 

Parkopedia went live with 6 new in-car commerce partnerships in 2023, working with Mercedes-Benz USA, Skoda, BMW and Hyundai USA among others to deliver in-car payments to their drivers for a variety of in-car services. Demand for in-car commerce is expected to continue to increase, with 60% of respondents to the 2023 Parkopedia Global Driver Survey requesting in-car payments for vehicle-centric services.

More than 20 billion parking predictions made during 2023

Parkopedia made more than 20 billion parking predictions for on-street and off-street space availability data during 2023.

The company also greatly expanded its stock of Indoor Maps during 2023, with the Parkopedia mapping cars covering over 50,000km collecting terabytes of point cloud data.

Meanwhile, Parkopedia’s engineering team processed 13 billion inbound API calls - a 69% increase from 2022. More than 400 billion rows of input data were ingested and over 2000 code changes were completed. Parkopedia’s professional services team also successfully resolved thousands of customer/partner tickets.

Keeping our customers updated

Parkopedia sent 30,000 emails to subscribers, customers and partners in 2023 with open rates reaching an all-time high, sharing announcements, research and updates about the company’s product and partnership news throughout the year. We also surpassed 6000 followers on our core social channel LinkedIn, sharing over 30 global announcements, podcasts and thought-provoking blog posts and winning 9 notable awards this year - with highlights including two categories at the Motor und Sport Car Connectivity Award 2023, Best B2B/B2C Payments Initiative at the Global Payments Innovation Awards 2023 and the Platinum Award Winner for the 'Best Urban EV Charging Solution' at the Juniper Research Future Digital Awards 2023.



Taking centre stage

Parkopedia attended more than 30 global industry events in 2023, spanning the US, Europe and Asia, with highlights including hosting our own unique customer events at CES 2023 and EVS36, featuring on a connected vehicle commerce panel at AutoTech Detroit and presenting the keynote speech at the 2023 Gaogong Intelligent Vehicle Annual Conference in December.


Parkopedia Keynote - Parkopedia China GM Iris Xu at the Gaogong Intelligent Vehicle Annual Conference

Parkopedia event image

Parkopedia COO, Hans Puvogel at the Connected Vehicle Commerce Panel at AutoTech: Detroit 2023

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                                                                                                EV Charging expert panel hosted by Parkopedia at CES 2023

The Parkopedia team continues to expand in every region

Parkopedia continued to recruit for new roles in 2023, with the team growing by 16% in 2023. Our new roles were heavily in demand, generating just under 5000 applications. 

Parkopedia now has staff across 12 countries, who speak 20 different languages, with a split of 55% male and 45% female.


                                                                                                                   Parkopedia Team Trip 2023 - Warsaw, Poland

And that’s a wrap. Thank you to the incredible Parkopedia team for delivering another record-breaking year, and to all of our loyal customers, partners and users for your support and confidence in our services, here’s to an even more successful 2024!

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