Parkopedia now provides off-street parking data in the MBUX navigation system, starting with the...
Derek Rohloff joins as Vice President of Automotive, North America, whilst Tom Sexton joins as Head...
Parkopedia to provide Mercedes Benz cars with parking data for both off and on-street parking,...
Honda Dream Drive enables drivers to pay for goods and services like fuel, movie tickets and...
Parkopedia and Zhitu Map Joint Venture creates a unique suite of on-street parking services for...
The partnership between Parkopedia and Flowbird covers off-street parking data and on-street...
Parkopedia will provide both on-street and off-street parking services for VW Group, integrated...
Parkopedia wins multi-million pound grant award from the Centre for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles...
Audi switches to Parkopedia’s service for on-street and off-street information as well as dynamic...