Strategic learnings from COVID-19 for parking

4 minute read

Parking revenues have dramatically fallen due to COVID-19, but what are the potential long term...

How caution has hurt the parking industry

4 minute read

With rising levels of COVID-19, businesses including parking are struggling. What does the data...

Demonstrating Valet Parking with Park and Summon functions

3 minute read

Demo of automated valet parking with "Park" and "Summons" functionality to enable a driver to drop...

Parkopedia's business continuity response to the COVID-19 pandemic

2 minute read

Parkopedia is facing COVID-19 with a robust business continuity plan. Read on for more details

Coronavirus’s impact on traffic and parking in China

4 minute read

Managing Director for China, Ding Xian, explains the impacts Coronavirus has on families, traffic...

Why Predictions Beat Real-Time, Every Time (for On-Street Parking Availability)

4 minute read

Is it always best to rely on real-time data, to the exclusion of other sources? Parkopedia's Head...

Parkopedia's 2019 Year In Review

3 minute read

Eugene Tsyrklevich, Founder & CEO, reflects on 2019. Read about our growth in revenue, employee...

Bridging the Gap: How Parking Operators & Auto Brands Can Work Together

4 minute read

The gap between parking operators and auto manufacturers must be overcome in order to support...

Localisation with Artificial Landmarks

1 minute read

A self-driving car looking for a space must know where it is on a map, and an equally precise map...